Gratuity Guide: How Much to Tip Your Wedding Photographers

One of the most enduring questions after securing the services of your wedding photographer is: "How much should I tip them?" While the quality of their work and the memories they capture are undoubtedly priceless, navigating the intricacies of gratuity can be a touch tricky. Whether you're celebrating in the heart of New Jersey or venturing abroad for a destination wedding, understanding the etiquette behind tipping can ensure you express your gratitude appropriately. Let's demystify the process.

1. To Tip or Not to Tip?

First and foremost, it's essential to recognize that tipping is a gesture of appreciation. While it's customary in many service industries, it's not always expected. However, many couples still choose to tip as a token of their gratitude.

2. Check Your Contract

Some photography contracts might have a gratuity built-in, especially if you're working with a larger studio that employs multiple photographers. Always peruse your contract to ensure you're not doubling up or overlooking an expected tip.

3. Amount Guidelines

A standard tip for wedding photographers can range from $50 to $200 per photographer. However, if you feel that the service was exceptional, you might consider giving more. For photographers a tip of 10-15% of the total bill is a generous gesture.

4. Remember the Assistants

If your photographer has an assistant or a second shooter, it's courteous to tip them as well. Typically, a smaller amount than what you'd give the primary photographer is appropriate—ranging from $50 to $75.

5. Delivering the Tip

Handing over a tip in a sealed envelope, with a heartfelt thank-you note, adds a personal touch. You can provide this at the end of the wedding day or, alternatively, send it post-wedding with a thank-you card.

6. Other Ways to Show Appreciation

Beyond monetary tips, there are several ways to express gratitude:

  • Write a glowing review for their website or on platforms like google

  • Recommend them to friends or family. Referrals are what keep photographers in buisnes

  • Share their work on your social media, tagging their professional page.

NJ wedding photos


Your wedding photographers play an instrumental role in capturing memories that will last a lifetime. While there are standard tipping guidelines, always prioritize what feels right for you. Whether it's through a tip, a heartfelt review, or a simple thank-you note, showing your appreciation will always be cherished.