Capturing Your Special Day: A Guide to Our Wedding Video Process


Your wedding day is a mosaic of unforgettable moments and emotions. As your chosen videographers, we are dedicated to capturing every facet of this special day through our cameras, ensuring you can relive these memories for years to come. This guide will give you an insight into how we work to immortalize your wedding in film.

Camera Angles and Placement

We believe in capturing your wedding from multiple perspectives to provide a comprehensive and dynamic portrayal of your ceremony. Typically, we use 3-4 camera angles – two at the front to capture the intimate moments and one placed higher in the back for a grand view. Our cameras are strategically positioned to record every significant moment doing our best to avoid disrupting the sanctity and intimacy of your ceremony.

The Processional

One of the most heartwarming moments of any wedding is the processional. Our team is adept at capturing these moments. While one videographer covers the aisle to film the bridal party and key people walking down the isle another focuses on the groom's reaction to the bride's entrance – a moment full of emotions.

Importance of Unobstructed Views:

For us to capture these moments effectively, a clear view down the aisle is essential. We request that guests remain clear of the aisle and inform the bridal party of our positioning. This not only helps us in getting uninterrupted shots but also ensures that your ceremony remains the center of attention.

Audio Recording

To perfectly capture the words and music that make your ceremony unique, we use the best available audio sources. This often means tapping into the DJ’s system or the church’s PA system for clean, crisp sound. Additionally, we mic the officiant and the groom as a reliable audio backup, doing our best to ensure no word of your vows is lost.

Setup Time

Setting up our equipment to perfectly capture your ceremony requires precision and care. We generally take about 30-45 minutes to set up our cameras and audio equipment. This preparation time is crucial for us to ensure everything runs smoothly when your big moment arrives.


Your wedding day is as important to us as it is to you. Our goal is to capture it in its entirety, without being intrusive. We hope this guide helps you understand our process and assures you that we are dedicated to making your wedding film as beautiful and memorable as the day itself. If you have any special requests or concerns, we are always here to listen and adapt.