How often should I update my headshot?

 It's a good idea to update your headshots every 1-2 years or whenever there are significant changes to your appearance or brand. Here are some specific situations where you may want to consider updating your headshots:

  1. Changes in appearance: If you've changed your hairstyle, hair color, or facial hair, it's a good idea to update your headshot so that it accurately reflects your current appearance.

  2. Professional changes: If you've recently started a new job or launched a new business, updating your headshot can help to convey a more up-to-date and professional image to potential clients or employers.

  3. Outdated headshots: If your headshot is several years old, it may no longer accurately represent your current style or brand, and it may not look as polished or professional as newer headshots.

  4. Evolving brand: If your personal or professional brand has evolved over time, your headshot should reflect those changes. Updating your headshot can help to convey a more current and cohesive image to your audience.

In general, it's a good idea to review your headshot every year and assess whether it still represents you and your brand effectively. If you're unsure whether it's time to update your headshot, consider getting feedback from colleagues or a professional photographer.

Check out our premium headshot photography